One of the common themes we work on with LSA coaching clients is balancing neurodivergence in the workplace–especially how and when to discuss your unique learning needs with an employer. Do I share that I’m autistic in a job interview? Am I hiding something if I don’t want to talk about it? How do I … read more

How many times have you encountered a scenario like this with your neurodivergent child or student? You and your learner have worked for hours on teaching an executive functioning skill in the classroom–let’s say, using a visual timer for homework sessions. The student has steadily progressed towards independence and can now complete 30 minutes of … read more

As more individuals identify as neurodivergent in the workplace, understanding executive functioning is becoming more important as a co-worker and a leader. Executive functioning difficulties can impact people at any age and appear on a spectrum – some people with executive function issues may struggle daily with things like sustaining attention, staying organized, and avoiding … read more

According to the CDC, 10% of children 3-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. As these children become adults, many will continue to struggle with experiences that can make work life extraordinarily difficult. It may not be readily apparent that being neurodivergent may present many challenges in the workplace. After all, people who are neurodivergent are … read more

Are you struggling to find the right career fit? You’re not alone. Many people with ADHD or other forms of neurodivergence struggle to find a career that matches their interests and abilities. But don’t worry, there is help out there. In this post, we will discuss ways to find the right career fit. We will … read more

Teaching your child essential skills they’ll need for the rest of his life isn’t easy. Doing it from home? Even harder. And trying to teach those skills during the middle of a quarantine, like the one we are currently experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? You deserve a presidential medal of honor. However, as a … read more